

Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo Echeverri


> Nationality: Colombian
> Organisation: Universidad de los Andes
> Email:

I am an anthropologist graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá-, with subsequent studies of masters and doctorate in archeology at the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA). My main areas of interest have been the development of complex societies, particularly of the cacical societies that inhabited the territory occupied by Colombia in the 16th century, applying methodologies of systematic regional survey, as well as the study of domestic units, providing special attention to the production of pottery. The previous applied in the regions of the Alto Magdalena - culture of San Agustín-, the Sabana de Bogotá - culture of the Muiscas-, and the Quimbaya region - the Quimbaya culture-. Two other areas of interest have been the legislation and the protection of cultural heritage, being the manager and coordinator of the Observatory of Cultural and Archaeological Heritage OPCA (

Areas of Interest:

Pottery Analyses, Regional Settlement Studies, Archaeology of the Intermediate Area -Quimbaya Region, Alto Magdalena/San Agustin cultures, Sabana de Bogotá cultures-, public archaeology, cultural heritage